Category: Ground Flute Jobbers

Ground Flute Jobbers

Showing 1–16 of 18 results

  • 1-10.00mm x 0.5mm HSS-TIN DRILLS (SET-19)

    SwissTech HSS Straight Shank TiN Tipped Jobber Drill Sets

    19 & 25 Piece Metric Sets
    Bright body with TiN coating on working part. For drilling in steel, cast steel alloyed and non-alloyed, grey cast iron, graphite and malleable cast iron. Point angle: 118°, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: normal, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11. Manufactured to BS 328, DIN 338.

    19 Piece Metric Set Contents: 1-10.00mm x 0.5mm
    25 Piece Metric Set Contents: 1-13.00mm x 0.5mm

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  • 1-13.00mm x 0.5mm HSS-TIN DRILLS (SET-25)

    SwissTech HSS Straight Shank TiN Tipped Jobber Drill Sets

    19 & 25 Piece Metric Sets
    Bright body with TiN coating on working part. For drilling in steel, cast steel alloyed and non-alloyed, grey cast iron, graphite and malleable cast iron. Point angle: 118°, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: normal, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11. Manufactured to BS 328, DIN 338.

    19 Piece Metric Set Contents: 1-10.00mm x 0.5mm
    25 Piece Metric Set Contents: 1-13.00mm x 0.5mm

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  • 19-PCE SELECT-A-DRILL SET 1.0-10.0×0.5mm

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute ‘Select-A-Drill’ Set, Metric – 19 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite.

    Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Select-A-Drill Set
    HSS Ground Flute jobber drills in a ‘Dial-a-Drill’ style case. With a clear top to view drills. Manufactured to BS328 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 and 10.0mm.

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    Sherwood HSS Long Series Drill Set – 10 Pieces

    Used for deep hole drilling applications in most types of materials. These drills are not recommended for the drilling of holes in crankshafts. Manufactured to BS328:Part 1:1986.

    Set contains: 2.0 x 85mm, 2.5 x 95mm, 3.0 x 100mm, 3.5 x 112mm, 4.0 x 119mm, 4.5 x 126mm, 5.0 x 132mm, 6.0 x 139mm, 8.0 x 165mm, 10.0 x 184mm.

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    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 114 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 114 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains:
    Metric:- 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 10.5, 11.0, 11.5, 12.0, 12.5, 13.0mm.
    Inch:- 1/16″, 5/64″, 3/32″, 7/64″, 1/8″, 9/64″, 5/32″, 11/64″, 3/16″, 13/64″, 7/32″, 15/64″, 1/4″, 17/64″, 9/32″, 19/64″, 5/16″, 21/64″, 11/32″, 23/64″, 3/8″, 25/64″, 13/32″, 27/64″, 7/16″, 29/64″, 15/32″, 31/64″ and 1/2″.
    Gauge 1-60.

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  • SET OF 13 HSS DRILLS 1/16-1/4″ x 1/64″

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Inch – 13 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 13 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1/16″, 5/64″, 3/32″, 7/64″, 1/8″, 9/64″, 5/32″, 11/64″, 3/16″, 13/64″, 7/32″, 15/64″ and 1/4″.

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  • SET OF 15 HSS DRILLS 1/16-1/2″ x 1/32″

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Inch – 15 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 15 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1/16″, 3/32″, 1/8″, 5/32″, 3/16″, 7/32″, 1/4″, 9/32″, 5/16″, 11/3″, 3/8″, 13/32″, 7/16″, 15/32″ and 1/2″.

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  • SET OF 19 HSS DRILLS 1-10.00mm x 0.5mm

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Metric – 19 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set 19 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 and 10.0mm.

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  • SET OF 19 HSS-COBALT S/SDRILLS 1-10mm x 0.50mm

    HSS-Co Straight Shank Drill Set

    19 Piece Metric: 1.0-10.0mm x 0.5mm
    Heavy duty drill made of 8% cobalt material with excellent heat resistance. To drill steels with tensile strength up to 1,400 N/mm2, very hard bronze, stainless steels as well as heat and acid resistant steels. Point angle: 135°. Helix angle: normal. Web thickness: strengthened. Relief angle: normal. Tolerance of diameter: h8. Tolerance of shank: f11. Supply unit. All diameters – 1 pce. Manufacturing Standard: BS 328, DIN 338B.

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  • SET OF 21 HSS DRILLS 1/16-3/8″ x 1/64″

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Inch – 21 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 21 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1/16″, 5/64″, 3/32″, 7/64″, 1/8″, 9/64″, 5/32″, 11/64″, 3/16″, 13/64″, 7/32″, 15/64″, 1/4″, 17/64″, 9/32″, 19/64″, 5/16″, 21/64″, 11/32″, 23/64″ and 3/8″.

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  • SET OF 25 HSS BRIGHT DRILLS 1-13.00mm x 0.5mm

    Sherwood HSS Jobber Drill Set, Bright Finish – 25 pieces

    General purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. Point angle: 118°, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10°-20°, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11. Manufactured to BS 328/DIN338RN.

    Bright Finish
    Drills with a bright finish are supplied in the as-ground condition and such tools are used generally in the machining of non-ferrous materials.

    HSS Jobber Drill Set – Bright Finish
    Industrial quality. Ground flute. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 : 1986, DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.

    25 Piece Set
    Contents: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 10.5, 11.0, 11.5, 12.0, 12.5, 13.0

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  • SET OF 25 HSS DRILLS 1-13.00mm x 0.5mm

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Metric – 25 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 25 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 10.5, 11.0, 11.5, 12.0, 12.5 and 13.0mm.

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  • SET OF 29 HSS DRILLS 1/16-1/2″ x 1/64″

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Inch – 29 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 29 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1/16″, 5/64″, 3/32″, 7/64″, 1/8″, 9/64″, 5/32″, 11/64″, 3/16″, 13/64″, 7/32″, 15/64″, 1/4″, 17/64″, 9/32″, 19/64″, 5/16″, 21/64″, 11/32″, 23/64″, 3/8″, 25/64″, 13/32″, 27/64″, 7/16″, 29/64″, 15/32″, 31/64″ and 1/2″.

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  • SET OF 32 HSS DRILLS 1-10.50mm x 0.5mm

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Metric – 32 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 32 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains (includes Tapping sizes 1.9 to 10.2): 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.9, 3.0, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.5, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 6.8, 7.0, 7.5, 7.9, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 10.2 and 10.5mm.

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  • SET OF 41 HSS DRILLS 6-10.00mm x 0.1mm

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Metric – 41 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set 41 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 and 10.0mm.

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  • SET OF 51 HSS DRILLS 1-6.00mm x 0.1mm

    Sherwood HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set, Metric – 51 Pieces

    Sherwood Jobber drills are general-purpose drills for steels, cast steel, grey cast iron, malleable cast iron, nickel brass, aluminium alloy and graphite. With precision-ground flutes and black finish (W-finish), this is the most common surface finish and is the result of a steam tempering operation in which steam is passed over the product during a controlled tempering cycle, producing a black oxide layer. Black tools are generally recommended for ferrous applications where the oxide layer aids chip flow, helps to dissipate heat by retaining some coolant on the tool surface and also helps to prevent the tool from staining.

    HSS Ground Flute Jobber Drill Set – 51 Pieces
    Industrial quality. Ground flute, blue finish. Supplied in indexing metal cases.
    Point angle: 118, helix angle: normal, web thickness: standard, relief angle: 10-20, tolerance of diameter: h8, tolerance of shank: f11.
    Manufactured to BS328 : Part 1 DIN 338N & ANSI B94 – 11M.
    Set contains: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5. 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 and 6.0mm.

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    SET OF 25 HSS DRILLS 1-13.00mm x 0.5mm
    1 X Rp853.000 = Rp853.000
    1-13.00mm x 0.5mm HSS-TIN DRILLS (SET-25)
    1 X Rp3.151.000 = Rp3.151.000